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What's this blog?

Hello! You're probably here after seeing my "cretinity" and "credibility" meters.

I'm here to explain what everything means.

What is this blog really about?

This is a blog I created a year ago (I've posted rarely and deleted my posts on it always) where I discuss design, minimalism, recycling, anti-consumption and other means that help us improve life. Occasionally, you will find some posts that include centrist political ideologies or demote harmful ideologies some people are partaking in, such as: radmedicalism, anti-transmedicalism, nazism, fascism, communism etc. This is a "safe-place" for all transmeds and should be treated as such.

Who is this blog really for?

This blog was created for all sorts of people, from any political, ethnical & financial background as a quick read. I try to keep all of my posts under 500 words.

Who are you?

About Me

Why are there grammar mistakes?

I have C1 English, I'm not fluent in English + I'm a foreigner from Eastern Europe. I wasn't taught much grammar in school, so, sometimes, I might pick out what "sounds right" to use in a context where that isn't the case.

What is cretinity?

2/5 cretinity:

"Cretin" from Romanian refers to an idiotic moron. The cretinity rate is simply how idiotic a post is, if I'm discussion a blogger's post, with 0 being normal, 1 being a bit idiotic, 2 being accidentally idiotic, 3 being idiotic, 4 being very idiotic and 5 being the king of idiots.

All ratings start from 5 "cretinities" and move slowly down as I unfold the main idea, theme etc. of he post.

What is credibility?

1/5 credibility:

The credibility meter is an unique element I thought of that rates how credible the story is. It starts from 0, since this is the internet. 0 means fake on purpose, a copypasta probably too & 0 includes clickbaits (posts that have no correlation between body and title), 1 means faked to instigate to violence (ex. detrans stories, "Minecraft is turning my kids trans." etc.), 2 equals exaggerated lie, to instigate jealousy among piers and feel superior to others (ex. blog posts from Hustler's academy saying they have made in one month more than you make in a year, another example is social media to its' core, so most posts fit here), 3 is equal to small lies to clickbait the viewer (ex. "I climbed Mount Everest in a day"), 4 means small white lies (ex. "I drink 4L daily.") that the blogger says to avoid being judged and 5 means cleared-out, honest, content.

Best viewed on mobile.