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Hiking & Nature: I've visited or hiked: Bucegi, Făgăraș, Vatra Dornei's (forgot the name), Rodna, Măcin (smallest), Piatra Craiului, Vlădeasa mountains; Pietrosu Peak; The Danube Delta; Balea Lake; The Iron Gates; The Horse waterfall; Hoia Baciu, Bucium, Măceș Forest and many more whose name I forgot.

Biology: I'm studying virology & anything that has to do with animals.

Physics: I'm interested in thermodynamics, mechanics & astrophysics.

Calisthenics: I'm capable of doing a full L-sit & I'm progressing towards an unassisted handstand. I train for strength & cool stuff.

Trainriding: I prefer traveling by tram or train. As far as it goes, I've traveled all across the country by train. If I need to arrive on-time somewhere, I might take a tram.

Walking: I'm an active person & require 4-5 hr of physical activity. I do my 10.000 steps daily.

Metalwork: I don't have the right tools to support this hobby of mine, but I'd enjoy doing metalwork.

Reading: I enjoy reading science-fiction & non-fiction books. I dislike fantasies & romances.

Languages: I'm interested in the sound of certain languages. I enjoy learning Spanish, French & English. I don't enjoy learning German.

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